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Our Story

Growing your own food brings immense joy, but every gardener and farmer knows the frustration having enough harvest to share, but no simple way of delivering to the public without sitting all day at a booth.  Many people want to eat healthy local food, but local in-person farmers markets don't fit their timelines or lifestyle.


Welcome to Field and Pantry


We knew there must be an easier way...a food system that did NOT rely on the corporate, out of season, supply chain that served the 20th century. See bios of the farmers, be able to comment on the quality of their food, shop with ease and have it show up at your door.



Field and Pantry The Virtual Farmers Market

Field and



Alston Michigan


Buy Anytime

Produce Pick Up - Each Tuesday

Produce Delivery -

Each Thursday


Field: 906-231-3035

Pantry: 906-370-5024

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